How to set up SlickAlpha email

After verifying your domain on your SlickAlpha account, follow these 3 simple steps to setup your mailspace.

1. Purchase mailspace subscription
  1. Open the Mailspace Pricing page, and click "Select plan" for your business email subscription.
  2. Click a base plan to choose and click "Add to Cart."
  3. On the checkout page, confirm your billing address for invoice and click "Confirm Order".
  4. Add your card details for payment under "Place Order" and click "Pay" to complete the purchase.
2. Activate mailspace subscription
  1. Open My Mailspaces page.
  2. Find the newly purchased subscription, and click on "Setup."
  3. Select a domain from your verified domains from the pop-up box and click activate.

3. Verify mailspace subscription

  1. On the My Mailspaces page, click the manage icon located right next to the recently setup mailspace.
  2. Click on Verify under Mailspace Overview.
  3. In the pop-up box, scroll down and click on Verify.

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